We help individuals and families with diverse personal and professional goals to proactively manage their evolving financial situations.

Business owners and entrepreneurs

From startup, to restructuring, to sale, we work with business owners and entrepreneurs across a range of industries to create and protect value in their businesses. And we will help you use that value to maintain your lifestyle now and into retirement, making sure the business you’ve worked so hard to build, keeps working for you.


As you’ve moved up the corporate ladder, the complexity of your financial situation — which might now include holdings in various pension plans, short- and long-term stock incentives, and taxable benefits — has likely increased in step. So has the complexity of your tax return. We specialize in tackling complexity to provide a clear path to a comfortable retirement and attain your other financial goals. Our team, backed by regional and head office experts, can show you the way.

Women's wealth and well-being

Women’s financial well-being is shaped by factors including living longer, retiring earlier, pay disparity and time out of the workforce as primary caregivers for children and aging parents. This means the average woman will earn and invest less than the average man over the long term and spend more time as a retiree. Your IG Living Plan addresses all those factors and more, providing you with security in your life and the lives of those you care about, for today and tomorrow.