Francis Bédard B.A.A., FCSI, CIM, CIWM, RIAC
Francis has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from HEC Montréal, With a flourishing experience of over eight years in the exhilarating field of wealth management, he has carved his path within prestigious financial institutions, and embodies passion and commitment.
Recently, Francis has embraced a new adventure within the dynamic team of Karl Choquette & Associates, a decision motivated by a harmony of deep values. Self-respect, respect for others, and the building of strong relationships are principles dear to him.
His relentless quest for excellence has led him to achieve the highest level of recognition awarded by the Canadian Securities Institute, the prestigious title of Fellow of CSI (FCSIMD). Additionally, he proudly bears the Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM) designation, a globally recognized mark of excellence in the field of wealth management. His commitment doesn't stop there; he also holds the coveted title of Chartered Investment Manager (CIMMD), a symbol of his great expertise in his field.
But for Francis, the acquisition of knowledge and certifications never ends. Recently, he has enriched his skillset by becoming a financial security advisor, awarded by the Autorité des marchés financiers. Beyond enhancing his skills, this step allows him to stay closely attuned to the varied and complex needs of clients and opens doors for him as a life insurance representative. Francis has also obtained his RIAC certification from the Responsible Investment Association. This Canadian organization, a staunch advocate of impact investing, finds in Francis an ardent defender of these values, ready to deploy his expertise in the service of responsible and ethical finance.
His passion for the business world, inherited from a lineage of entrepreneurs, is the driving force behind each of his days. Financial markets and financial planning are to him more than just disciplines; they are playgrounds where he excels and thrives. He aims to obtain Financial Planner (F.Pl.) designation, a goal towards which he advances with determination.